To Complete the task you will need to sign up for the ptc site from the link provided. Then you need to view the number of adverts specified in the task and submit it for approval.
Before accepting this task make sure you are not already a member of the website you are asked to sign up in the task. Creating multiple account will lead to suspension of all your accounts. Also you need a valid email id to confirm the sign up.
Time for task is 7 day.
Follow the steps to complete the task.
1. Sign up using the exact URL (Else task cannot be verified)
2. Click on START TASK and fill the form
(it will be compared with SUBMIT TASK form at the time of payment procedure)
3. View 25 ads in 7 days. (THIS IS MUST OR TASK WILL BE REJECTED)
4. Come after 7 days ( after 25 ad click) and click on SUBMIT TASK and fill it to get paid.
Note :
Filling the SUMIT TASK form before completing task will be considered as Violation of Rules and so your task will be rejected.
Labels: Task