
September 30:

BuxChange : Maybe BuxChange Will Close Down (From Admin)

September 29:

FreeBirdBux : 40/60 rule: From now on, every member that receive his payout request will have to reinvest at least 40% of his total payout

September 28:

HonestClix : WE DO NOT PAY IN BETA, we do give away prizes at the end for loyal members.

Bux36 : now has TOS and FAQ but they pay only for members having a verified PayPal or AlertPay account.

September 27:

ShortBux : Update from admin - We are sorry to announce the official closure of ShortBux.

Thebestbux : Same owner as slobux which has stopped paying.

PTCShare : Latest site from Lola who used to own many sites that has now stopped paying.

PinBux: We have the right to suspend or terminate your account at any time, for any reason and without warning or notice

September 26:

TheClixWorld : The PayPal account has been limited, which means they will not be able to pay using that account until PayPal clears it.

Joy-Click : from the admin - there been change in payouts. you must upgraded to get payout. this will help us in payouts and to help us get payout up to date payed and help get site debt pay.

WorkBux : Instant payments turned off.

September 25:

EasyCashPTC - $5 per click and 60 days to get paid - not possible for any site to pay that amount.

HelangPTC : Search Friendly countries members can request payout as a free member. Remaining countries MUST upgrade to premium membership in order to be eligible for payout. Search friendly countries include: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Italy, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States."

September 24:

ChristyClix : email from admin - You are able to cash out anytime but you will need to wait until funds become available before I can pay you. There is no guarantee as too when this will be. The only payouts I guarantee are the mass payouts on the 8th

Joy-click : From the new owner - if you all want help i like each one of you to buy membership pack. that will gave site money and make payouts alot faster of getting payed. thing getting pay angian will help the site out all. in turst and all. (be careful = the new owner is James Disler who has many sites that do not pay.)

September 23:

Revbux : is back

DeepBux : We have the right to suspend or terminate your account at any time, for any reason and without warning.

GoldenEaglePTC : TOS - Only Search Friendly countries (Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Italy, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States) can request payout, meaning that the remaining countries can only use their earnings to redeem for ads.

OmBux : Using a Gen2 script which has lots of bugs.

PTCBay: Warning from PapaiMark - PTCBay belongs to Samantha Shepherd, known scammer.

SassyClix - email from admin - only premium members will be able to payout by Pay Pal and Alert Pay and when funds are there in those processors.

September 22:

WuBux : Seems to be gone.

LGclix : alertpay cashout have been temporarily disabled.

September 21:

Buxwiz:: is back, but the payment link does not work.

Coin-bux : The following countries must upgrade to cashout: China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Taiwan, Thailand

September 20:

Clickers-Union : is back.

Buxwiz : is up again .

September 19:

Buxwiz : is down

NightClicks: Free members from China, Singapore, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Hungary Members must use earnings for ads.

September 18:

ClickinAmillion : TOS - Only Search Friendly countries (Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Italy, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States) can request payout, meaning that the remaining countries can only use their earnings to redeem for ads.

September 17:

Joy-clicks: email from new owner -."for as payouts go to this point now i will be make them. the past and over due payouts form the first owner you will have to take up with him. as i will not be paying them i think."

Getrefmails : $1 per email. $1000 payout. Not possible for any site to pay this amount.

HyBux : wdnur complained that his account was reset to 0. This is because the site was launched.

SloBux : is back but members accounts are reset to 0.

BuxCashy : Forum is disabled. Not a good sign.

ItalianClicks : Only Search Friendly countries (Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Italy, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States) can request payout, meaning that the remaining countries can only use their earnings to redeem for ads.

September 16:

NeoPays, PayingPTR: $1 per click. $500 payout. Not possible for any site to pay this amount.

Joy-Bux : Changed owner. The new owner is has a suspicious background.

CorpBux : All earnings made during this phase and ads converted will be reset to zero once the site is launched.

September 15:

JolyBux : TOS - you have to buy premium membership to get click and paid because we pay only premium members

September 14:

PaidPTC : TOS - members from CHINA, TAIWAN, HONGKONG, INDONESIA, THAILAND, INDIA, TURKEY and EGYPT are required to upgrade to premium to stay member

TamBux, AlmondBux : Belong to the same owner. Forums are deleted - not a good sign.

MecBux : Same owner as ParsPtc which has stopped paying.

September 13:

ClixofChange : is gone.

Wealwayspaybux : belongs to Samantha Shepherd who is owner of a lot of sites that stopped paying.

September 12:

Tuibux : Seems to be gone

DuelBux : Update from the admin - "the host was attacked and all files were lost..... i will restart this project with the same domain name but will have to start again from the beginning", : Be aware that Asian members need to upgrade to be paid. (info at their forum)

Slobux is gone

September 11:

VIPadwords : All earnings are in VIP Dollar. $1 Vip Dollar = $0.001 USD

StableBux : No ads and the owner plans to sell the site.

September 10:

MyGoldBux : Stealing passwords to hack into Paypal accounts. Always use different passwords for different accounts.

Bux4You2 : TOS - 40/60 rules: From now on, every member that receives his payout request will have to reinvest at least 40% of his total payout.

PineBux : After the official launch the balance will be reset (except for upgrades members) - Premium, Platinum & Elite.

September 9:

ClixP : Down for maintenance, according to the notice.

Paid2YouTube : It violates TOS of YouTube to pay people to visit or to comment.

ScopeBux : Complaints of non-payment and now forum is down.

BestDollarClicks : If you cashout $1000 and the revenue share rate is $1.50 CPM then you will recieve $1.50 for your $1000 cashout. the CPM rate is caculated on the amount of sales for the month.

BuxTro : same owner as bux1, buxor, buxero, ptcpay, gaintalk which have disappeared without paying (thanks Sabbie for the info) : Be careful. It is for sale.

September 8:

ClickForce : Only Search Friendly countries (Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Italy, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States) can request payout, meaning that the remaining countries can only use their earnings to redeem for ads.

CopsAndDonutsPTC : only Search Friendly countries (Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Italy, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States) can request payout as a free member. Remaining countries MUST upgrade to the Border Patrol membership in order to be eligible for payout.

BuxOwner : Script may have problems with security.

UltraBux, Cash4Bux : are gone

September 7:

MemberBux : TOS - 50/50 rule: From now on, every member that receive his payout request will have to reinvest at least 50% of his total payout.

ProjectBux : Problem with payments.

BuxHero : Looks like a Gen2 script which has problems with referral links.

September 6:

MGroupBux : TOS - 50/50 rule - When you request a payment, you get 50% in your AP/PP account and 50% in your Purchase balance (only for members who fave invested less than $10 in our site)

ClicksDownUnder : Only Search Friendly countries (Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Italy, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States) can request payout, meaning that the remaining countries can only use their earnings to redeem for ads.

ClixnCash : Changed owner in July and now lots of complaints of non-payment.

Palmbux : Admin said that their account has been frozen by Paypal.

BuxYou : Complaints of non-payment and now the site is down or gone.

BuxWiz : Down due to security flaws and now it is for sale.

PremiumPayPTC, BuxOwner : TOS - We have the right to suspend or terminate your account at any time, for any reason and without warning or notice.

TorrentBux : This is not a site that pays cash all earnings is for advertising purposes. This is an ad only site.

September 5:

DuelBux : is down.

PtcTalk : is down

NewBuxIndia : same owner as neobux-india which has stopped paying.

September 4:

Evernity : suspected to have the same owner as icashout, getmoneycrew, cashposse, velocityclicks, clickvoid, nationclicks which have all stopped paying. Complaints of non-payment at the EarnMoneySpace forum (Thanks AL2Fenrir for the info)

ClassyPaidAdz : same owner as DaphneClix

September 3:

2USDBux : TOS - For Standard Members - 50/50 rule: From now on, every member that receive his payout request will have to reinvest at least 50% of his total payout.

WorldWidePTC : $5 per click and $500 payouts - not possible.

MyGoldBux, VidiBux : Complaints of accounts being deleted when payout is reached.

September 2:

Bux-gr : TOS - RULE 50/50 : From now on, every member that receive his payout request will have to reinvest at least 50% of his total payout.We Will immediately add this amount to your purchase balance to reinvest.(Only for Standard Members)

SassyClix : TOS - SassyClix requires all members to be upgraded to receive cash-out payments from the site.

GripBux : Direct referral limit of 25

BuxCashy : Lots of complaints at their forum about non-payment.

Giga-Mails : $25 per email. $75,000 for payout - not possible.

September 1:

DuelBux : Sold to the admin of LGClix

BuxVibe : We can suspend any account at anytime for any reason. : $100 per email.$25,000 payout - not possible.

Instantptr : $10 per email. $10,000 payout - not possible.

PayingClub : $10 per email. $5000 payout - not possible